Putting My Experience to Workrk

Brooke Van Komen adds distinct relevance to the El Dorado Union High School District Board of Trustees. As a parent of a current student as well as recent graduates of the district, she is acutely aware of the challenges facing students and families. She has spent countless volunteer hours dedicated to supporting education in El Dorado County.
Brooke is originally from Salt Lake City, Utah. She attended the University of Utah and earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Weber State University in History and Sociology. She worked as a substitute teacher in Texas as well as served in various PTA (Parent Teacher Association) leadership roles in Connecticut and Illinois.
Brooke and her husband, Steve, currently reside in El Dorado Hills. They are the proud parents of four children, Bryn, Alexa and Drew, all alumni of Oak Ridge High School and Garrett, currently a senior at Oak Ridge. Brooke has devoted herself as a parent volunteer in schools at all grade levels, serving in any capacity needed to support excellence in education. In the classroom, on the sports fields, in the performing arts and everything in between. Volunteerism is her passion! Brooke has led numerous parent groups to support education and strengthen campus community relationships which in turn have expanded involvement and enhanced performance in schools.
In 2019-2020, Brooke co-chaired the Measure A Bond Campaign that focused on much needed facility improvements for each campus throughout the El Dorado Union High School District. Countless hours were dedicated by Brooke to advocate and promote the needs of our district facilities and infrastructure. Even with the defeat of the bond measure at the outset of the "COVID-19" pandemic, she continued her supportive efforts to boost morale and contribute to resource needs.
As the Caldor Fire raged in Fall 2021, Brooke orchestrated a donation drive to support district students, families and employees to support and provide essential items as many were displaced. As a vigilant resident of El Dorado County, she knows we are stronger together as we work for better education opportunities for our children.
The El Dorado Union High School Board appointed Brooke to the Board of Trustees on February 28, 2022. In the time since her appointment, Brooke has focused on meeting with administrators, teachers, staff and spending time with students from each campus throughout the district, to learn from and understand needs and priorities as we navigate unprecedented current challenges. She is determined to continue her dedication to education.
Brooke is resolute in support of students through their four years of attendance at our great high schools in El Dorado Union High School District. She is proud of the education her children have received and wants to ensure that all students complete high school confident in themselves, their accomplishments and future!
Thank you for your support by voting Brooke Van Komen for Board of Trustees!